Anxiety;This is me right now. The best word that describes how Iā€™m currently feeling.
The thought of returning to work from my maternity leave makes me anxious šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”

I do miss work and Iā€™m excited to see all my colleagues again.

But the thought of returning to work has influenced my milk production.
Iā€™m doing all the right things but supply has still dropped.
I have gone from breasts being engorged with milk everyday and wetting my breast pads to just enough to feed baby.

I need to produce more milk to be able to feed her each day before I resume work and also store enough for her feeding when I return to work.

With my first daughter, milk production was not much of a problem, I also used to pump and store at work.
The trick was pump in the morning before I leave for the office. That was her first feed of the day, and then the stored milk is thawed,warmed and used in her subsequent feeds. And then pumped twice at work when the day is not so crazy; before I get off work at 3pm.

Iā€™m sure someone is asking why Iā€™m stress about breastmilk when there is another option in variety of baby formulas??

My answer is ; personal choices.

I do not fault anyone who makes the choice to formula feed her baby nor anyone who decides to combine breastfeeding with formula feeding.

Trust me; I know breastfeeding is hard work; but I choose to do it.

There is this kind of guilt mothers feel especially when they have more than one child.
You cannot help but want to do same for each child if not more than you did for the older ones.
That is where I am right now.
I just want to do six months exclusive breastfeeding just like I did for my first daughter.

So help me God.



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